Monday, December 22, 2008

A great article by the Texas Lawyer. I believe what can be taken from the ruling by the Texas Supreme Court is this: "the government cannot assume people are doing things bad, take away their children, and make them prove that they are not." The burden is on the state to provide sufficient evidence to prove that people are doing things badly enough to warrant removal of children from parents. Thank God for the justices on our Supreme Court. This goes back to before this past November election, when the Democrats running for the Texas Supreme Court ran an ad accusing the Republican justices of overturning the trial courts' decisions a majority of the time. The fact that the Supreme Court reversed the trial courts' decision a majority of the time is not bad in and of itself though that was exactly what the ad implied: undoing the will of the people as expressed through the juries. In this case thank God they did. It's hard enough to raise kids these days, we don't need anymore government intrusion unless the state can justify it with sufficient evidence.

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