Friday, September 19, 2008

Finished the fifth week of my first semester of law school. Working full time and pursuing a JD at night are not as bad as I worried. It's definitely doable if you discipline and keep up with the readings. I do as Jonathan advised, take it one day at a time, don't worry too much. Thanks Jonathan!

Planning to go out of town for a quarterly meeting of the State Republican Executive Committee meeting this weekend in Austin, I even managed to read ahead, finished my Contracts reading assignment for next week and have only about 30 pages of Torts left. My goal is to at least give me one week buffer should anything happen, I won't be behind. I really enjoy law school, enjoy reading and briefing the cases, enjoy the give and take of the Socratic method of teaching.

Caught the majority of Sean Hannity's interview of governor Sarah Palin tonight. The more people listen to her, the more people are going to like her. She's authentic just as Mike Huckabee. These are folks who know who they are, what they believe in, what's right and what's wrong, folks with a definitive world view, the strong and grounded convictions, the proper foundation, ....

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