Monday, July 28, 2008

Heard Frank Luntz spoke tonight at congressman Sam Johnson fund raising dinner at the InterContinental in Addison. During the primary, I thought he was overtly a Mitt Romney guy and trying to steer his focus group so I stopped watching FoxNews exclusively. But I now realized maybe he was just doing his job so passionately and truly believe in his instant dial reaction. Anyway, he's got a few good points and as for most of us, we know but fail to put into practice.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Vacation Bible School is this week at our church. I man the Deep Space memory verse station. The curriculum is pretty good. I am not known for my creativity but I follow the instructions, got quite a few glow-in-the-dark magic wands from the Dollar Tree stores as prize for the best kid from each of the five groups rolling through my station each day. They are quite a hit with the kids. I originally got 5 of them for five days but during the first day, it came to me to give them away as prize so I had to go back to the store, only one particular store of the three I tried, in Arlington has it.

Finally got myself a portable MP3 player. I am a technology guy but I won't be the one who are out there waiting in line to get the first release of anything. There will always bugs to be worked out in the first release of anything, hardware or software. And finding out that my mini Mac won't be supported for instant-play of movies from Netflix, I am not too eager to get the iPod. On Saturday, I was in Costco for some regular shopping and saw the tiny SanDisk Sansa 4Gb was selling for only $59 after $10 manufacturer instant rebate, and it can play secured WMA so I grabbed it. I need an MP3 player that can play secure WMA to start checkout eAudioBook from public library. It's working pretty well, I am listening to The Rough Riders by Theodore Roosevelt, using in conjunction with my little FM transmitter in the car.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

I have visited 22 states. Looking forward to covering the other 28 states soon enough, if not campaign with Young Republicans then family vacation should do.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Keeping tab on how your tax dollars are being spent by Texas government entities Texas Budget Source.

Sunday, July 06, 2008

Hope everyone had a great celebration of America's 232nd Independence. I went to the Lakewood parade in the morning with congressman Jeb Hensarling, then home to replace the food disposer under the sink. Then out on the driving range at the Mansfield National Golf Club with Ken and my brother. Came by Jason's place, had something to eat and back outdoor for a few games of basketball until the sunset. We were too tired by then so we settled for fireworks in the living room at Jason's house.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

I am disgusted with this singer Rene Marie in Denver, Colorado. Let's see, she sings professionally so she should know, if she had signed a contract to perform song A, then she sang song B, what would that be? A breach of contract. In this case, a break of promise, a non delivery on a commitment. The integrity of the person is questioned, no? That's not to say of the disrespectful attitude she has for this country, of the thousand upon thousand of men and women, especially black men and women, who have fought and died for that flag to fly high and for that song we call the national anthem to be sung.

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