Sunday, November 02, 2008

You think it couldn't get worse but then it did. Obama started with no rap sheet, in the words of Joe Biden, first mainstream African-American who is articulate, bright and clean. Then it seems Obama hasn't learned scandal 101: it's never the sin but the cover up that does you in. If you don't believe it, ask Republican president Richard M. Nixon about Watergates or Democrat Bill J. Clinton about Monica Lewinsky. So far, Obama claimed:

  • himself to be a natural born US citizen but refused to produce a certificate of birth

  • not to know that his very own beloved aunt is an illegal immigrant

  • not to know that his very own beloved aunt is a foreign national, and therefore it's illegal for him to take her campaign contributions, which leads me to question from how many other foreigners did he "unknowingly" receive campaign contributions.

  • Vietnamese has a saying that for every time a wrongful act is caught, there must have been at least ten that went unnoticed.

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