Thursday, November 20, 2008

The race for chairman of the RNC will be decided at the January meeting of the RNC. Former Maryland Lieutenant Governor Michael Steele may seem to be a perfect candidate but take a look at this before you decide.

Watched on FoxNews the interview of Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal during the Republican Governors Association meeting in Florida. I think he would be a good match for Obama in four or eight years. Whenever asked about Sarah Palin in the context of 2012, he would say it's not important who the messenger is but it's the message that's important and gave examples of how he as governor has been able to implement conservative policies in the state of Louisiana. Pretty shrewd!

I've heard a lot about him from my friends who are Louisiana Young Republicans during his second run for the governorship of Louisiana. He was too nice and did not respond to negative ads in his first run. Lost the first time and learned his lesson and won the second time around. During the open primary, opponent was running ads attacking him for his Catholic faith in the northern part of Louisiana, where the majority of the voters are Protestant. That prompted me to search out and read his article where he expounded on his Catholic doctrinal beliefs. I found the man had true conviction in his faith and not just Christian in name only or worse, faith that is convenient for election like many of our politicians. More importantly, I as a Protestant found nothing really offensive but rather nodding my head a lot in agreement with what he had to say.

I would say Bobby Jindal and Sarah Palin or another conservative Republican female candidate would be a good ticket in 2012 or 2016.

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