Sunday, October 19, 2008

Regardless of what is being said about Collin Powell's endorsement of Obama, I believe it's as simple as a black man endorsing a first black candidate running for the highest elected office in the land. I am not defending general Powell by any means but I can imagine the kind of pressure he's under from all the leaders in the black community. My friends are calling him closet Democrat, traitor, deserter, ... but I took the time to remind my friends that until you are in his shoes, you shouldn't judge him too harshly, quoting Dale Carnegie, the author of the classic How to Win Friends and Influence People. Abraham Lincoln during the war between the states told people not to judge southerners too harshly because northerners put into southern's circumstance could very well behave exactly the same way.

With all the phone calls, emails and whatever other means employed to put pressure on him, maybe even pillow talks, he caved in. Yeah, maybe he's not that strong of a Christian to stand up for his pro life conviction and refuse to endorse a candidate who favors killing 1.2 million babies each year. It may be that he's not that committed a Republican. But he's only human. Until I stand in his shoes, I wouldn't want to be like Peter, telling Jesus: " ... even if everyone denies you, I go with you even to death ... " and then denied Jesus three times before the rooster crowed.

Black folks are only hurting themselves if they continue to listen to all the lies Democrats are telling them. They should instead listen to folks like Bill Cosby and Wayne Perryman. Black families before 1968, before Lyndon Baines Johnson's Great Society and War on Poverty used to have the rate of children born out of wedlock at parity with white folks. Black children used to grow up in loving two parents home. Black males did not comprise 40% of the incarcerated population. Black children used to fear God and poor folks depended on God's faithfulness and provision through His churches. Everything turned upside down when government took the place of God.

I've said it and will say it again. I feel really really sad but if Democrats want to continue to kill little unborn Democrats, it's their choice. All those babies will be in heaven with God. They just won't have the opportunity to be born, to grow up and become voting Democrats.

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